QVI-Auditor™ is Unique in Insurance Auditing.
QVI-Auditor™ DB Features
Tools available to the Auditor
Your computer. Provides:
QVI-Auditor system. Provides:
Actuary Vs. Accountant
QVI-Auditor™ is Unique in Insurance Auditing.
- Only system that is truly integrated
- Only system available that supplies sophisticated First-Principles audit trails for all Stat, Tax and GAAP Reserves for all types of Insurance Products
- Only system available that specializes in the Auditing of 3rd Party Reserves and is designed to qualify as a major component in a company’s plan to comply with Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX)
- No IS involvement is required
QVI-Auditor™ DB Features
- ORACLE™-based
- Free ORACLE™ run-time version (Express Edition)
- Single- and Multi-User versions available
- Client-Server Architecture supported
- Sophisticated Security
- Manually define Plans and Policies and calculate & perform ad-hoc audits of reserves without any IS involvement (MICRO)
- Process and audit a large number of plans and policies (MACRO)
Tools available to the Auditor
Your computer. Provides:
- Data storage space
- Data processing power
QVI-Auditor system. Provides:
- Generic Plan definitions (full of handy parts for building Company’s plans. Use as-is, or customize)
- Generic policies (test cases) you can customize
- Built-in knowledge of calculation methods
- Mechanisms to automatically apply the methods, and store and display the resulting reserves
- Optional Bulk Plan Import to automate input of Plan Definitions
Actuary Vs. Accountant
- Projected Financials are divided into 2 categories:
- Complicated Actuarial calculations
- Dollars and cents
- System provides sophisticated audits for the Actuary
- System provides Accounting 101 GL/COA architecture to show the Accountant how and where the Actuarial calculations are applied in the system’s customized SQL-based General Ledger